Web API security using JSON web tokens
DATE:Today data security during financial transactions is super important and critical. The protection of sensitive user data should be a major priority for developers working on applications that use financial or personal information of the clients. These days, many apps are accessed through multiple devices including desktops, laptops, mobile phones and tablets. Both web apps, …
Improve Performance of Web Applications
DATE:We all know how frustrating it is to see the progress spinning wheel going on and on while navigating through a web app. It’s due to these performance issues that users lose interest in a web application, which can hinder the success of the app. Improving performance is an important task for any app developer, …
InBody Integration for biometric and blood pressure data into a web application
DATE:People today are more health-conscious than ever before, and digital technology is playing an important role in this development. Thanks to modern technology, there are many tools and devices to measure and record physical characteristics that relate to personal health. Tracking exercise routines and nutrition has become a popular tool for individuals to keep up …
InBody Integration for biometric and blood pressure data into a web application Read More »