ReadQRCode(): A New function by FileMaker 19.5

August 26, 2022

Claris has launched its FileMaker 19.5 version. This launch improves the platform’s performance, security, and dependability. The latest version of FileMaker has various new features, one of which is its QRCode compatibility.

QR Code stands for Quick Response Code which can store a large amount of content. It contains information in two dimensions, horizontal and vertical. Any type of smartphone device can scan and understand QR codes, providing businesses with a fast and direct way to guide users to go to a specific web page or link.

What if you had an inventory database providing details of the product via an API and you wish to read the contents of the QR Code for all your items? FileMaker now has the ability to read the contents of the QR Code without using any plug-in or third-party code or scanner.

QRCode Feature in FileMaker 19.5

Consider a scenario where you have QR Code images stored in your FileMaker database and you would like to retrieve the details stored in it. For instance, a books inventory application where the QR Code images of books are stored in the FileMaker application. Now to retrieve and store the details in the application, you would either need a QR Code scanner and then manually enter data or you might need a plug-in to do this. With the release of FileMaker Pro 19.5.1, your job becomes much easier. In the new version, the function ReadQRCode()will do the job for you. It is easy to use and understand too.

In the example below, we are reading a QR code, which contains the URL of a book. This URL contains a purchase link of the book. We can fetch other details of the book as well, provided it is contained in the QR code. We need a container field to store the QR code image. The user can manually insert it or scan it from the FM Go application

QR Code

The ReadQRCode script, using ReadQRCode() function, will set the URL in the respective field. This script can be called on button click or as an OnObjectModify script trigger for the container field.


We have given a ‘Go’ button to navigate to the URL read by the ReadQRCode() function.

ReadQRCode Go

It will redirect the user to the purchase page of the book that has its details and reviews.

Purchase Page

Note that this function is supported on macOS, iOS 15, and iPadOS 15 devices.

MetaSys Software has a sizeable group of certified FileMaker specialists with the knowledge of versions 5 through 19. For over 20 years, our clients have enjoyed working with us. Among the systems, we have deployed and managed with FileMaker are cruise booking systems, inventory management systems, and project management systems. To know more about what we offer in FileMaker, contact us now!

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